Products offered by RHL are custom-built to suit a wide range of industries and Individuals to maximize business growth. RHL offers 2 different products, which cover the entire spectrum of capital requirements of our customers.
Inter Corporates Loans
These are loans given to Private & Limited Companies under specific agreement for a specific period at a fixed rate of interest. The purpose of this loan is to serve larger ticket size MSMEs and ensure the flow of credit to allow for improvements of their operational & working capacities.
Loans against securities up to INR 5.00 millions
The purpose of these loans is to allow each individual to live his/her dream of having his/her own new house or shop or renovate the existing ones or to expand their existing businesses.
Our Unique Credit Methodology
RHL recognized the need for a unique methodology for their different customer segments. The company worked on serving customers using sustainable differentiation created through studying business sustainability and credit behaviour through non-traditional income documents, technology driven rating methodologies and reference checks as well as from traditional income documents and various kinds of credit bureau checks.
The data base of references is maintained trade wise and is updated regularly. The trades are continuously monitored and studied and the changes are incorporated in the credit assessment accordingly. The credit assessment gets additional strength from the collateral which is taken for all the facilities for moral suasion.

Types Of Loan

Personal Loan

Working Capital Loan

Car Loan / Auto Loan